Fugitive dust can be a nuisance at your construction site if it’s not kept at a minimum. Usually, fugitive dust is created in construction, from cement, coal, and aggregate substances. This dust is primarily particulate matter released into the air as a result of soil disturbance. Unfortunately, when inhaled, it becomes a major culprit to lung illnesses, respiratory disorders, breathing system damage, and even death in serious cases. Therefore, you should strive to keep this dust at a minimum to avoid the negative side effects. You can do this by learning how to get rid of dust in the air. Below are ways you can minimize and eliminate dust in construction operations.
Use Dust Suppression Systems
Using dust control systems to minimize and eliminate fugitive dust offers a more lasting solution. Dust control chemicals from bosstek.com work way better than water in preventing dust build-up in your construction operations. Look out for companies with the best dust suppressant systems. In doing so, fugitive dust will no longer be a nuisance during your construction operations.
Apply Mulch and Vegetation
If your working site is uncovered you need to think about planting new vegetation on it. Ensuring that the soil surrounding your construction site is not exposed goes a long way in reducing fugitive dust. By applying mulch and vegetation, you prevent water and wind from carrying away the soil, hence eliminating the amount of dust in the air. Mulching can turn out tedious if you have to water the plants or even keep away the seeds that eat away the seedings. But with proper planning, you can manage to put dust levels at a minimum using vegetation cover.
Watering Construction Sites
Water is used in dust elimination as it’s cheaper and easier to implement. For excellent results, you need to apply it three times a day or even more according to the weather. You can use water tankers that are fitted with misting water sprays to dampen dust clouds and make your construction site dust-free. Water reduces airborne dust amounts in the air and is the least expensive and temporary dust elimination method.
Use of Enclosures to Avoid Any Dust Escapes
If you don’t want dust throughout your construction site consider enclosing your work areas to contain the dust and confine the dust to the working area works just fine. As a result, you don’t risk spreading the dust throughout the construction site. But it is only contained in an isolated area where you’re working.
Control Air Currents and Blow Soil Using Barriers
The use of barriers on your construction site controls air currents and blows soil during your construction operations. Ensure that you either use a sediment fence, wind fence, board fence, sediment fence, or any fence made of wood. Doing so helps avoid soil dust from blowing off the site. As a rule of thumb, barriers should be erected at right angles to air currents at 15 times intervals of the barrier height. This way, they can easily manage air currents and blown away soil. If the fences are not an option, you can use tree stands and perennial grass to keep away obstructing wind.
By implementing preventive measures for dust control you’ll reduce the amount of dust created during dust-generating activities. As such, using active methods ensures dust is eliminated after it’s been generated and released into the air.